Key features and benefits of the ketteQ Barcelona release include:
ketteQ Barcelona boasts an Open AI/generative AI architecture, allowing businesses to integrate ketteQ with their existing data science and Machine Learning systems. This fosters a collaborative environment where human expertise meets the power of AI, driving optimal decision-making.
ketteQ Barcelona eliminates data and time latency from the Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) and Available To Promise (ATP) processes through a bi-directional connection to Salesforce. This ensures forecast accuracy, improved customer service, higher On-Time In Full (OTIF) rates and increased revenue.
ketteQ Barcelona introduces unlimited hierarchical and autonomous scenario planning, a first-of-its-kind capability that removes time constraints from the planning process. This empowers manufacturers and service organizations to explore only the most relevant scenarios, evaluate potential outcomes and make data-driven decisions with greater confidence – all within given process time constraints.
ketteQ Barcelona expands upon the capabilities of its industry-leading solver. This functionality provides users with a clear path to action by translating insights from the planning process into actionable recommendations.
ketteQ Barcelona boasts an open architecture, allowing businesses to integrate ketteQ with their existing data science and machine learning systems. This fosters a collaborative environment where human expertise meets the power of AI, driving optimal decision-making.
ketteQ’s latest release delivers break-through functionality and value via generative AI, machine learning and probabilistic planning on an open, innovative and highly scalable solution architecture.